The United Kingdom Overseas Territories Association (UKOTA) exists to promote the interests of the Territories and the co-operation between them. Specifically UKOTA demonstrates the collective and individual partnerships between the Territories and HM Government.
The creation of UKOTA led to the Territories designation as Overseas Territories, from Dependent Territories, the creation of the Overseas Territories Department at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the evolvement of the Joint Ministerial Council meetings. To date UKOTA has achieved success in a number of areas which include ensuring that the people of BOTs are eligible for full British Citizenship, Visa free entry to Europe and Home fees for BOT students studying in the UK.
- Discuss issues relevant to our Territories
- Work to resolve issues of common interest
- Work closely with HMG departments and specifically with the FCDO
- Provide an effective collective voice
- Provide a voice for small, isolated communities
- Increased interaction amongst territories. This has enabled an exchange of knowledge, ideas and advice
- Provide each Territory greater access to keys contacts – eg Parliamentarians, UK Officials, EU Officials
- Work closely with NGOs and statutory bodies on environmental and other issues
- Provide a forum for exchange of information between Territories
- Provide information about the Territories